January 12, 2024
Creating a WordPress REST API Endpoint 4
Creating a WordPress REST API Endpoint for Post CreationThis article summarizes our journey in creating a custom WordPress REST API endpoint. The goal was to enable post creation through a structured API, allowing for functionalities like image uploads, setting featured images, and categorizing posts.
January 12, 2024
Creating a WordPress REST API Endpoint 3
Creating a WordPress REST API Endpoint for Post CreationThis article summarizes our journey in creating a custom WordPress REST API endpoint. The goal was to enable post creation through a structured API, allowing for functionalities like image uploads, setting featured images, and categorizing posts.Key Steps Involved:We began by setting up authentication using Basic Auth. We then focused on handling POST requests, validating and sanitizing data, and managing image uploads. We ensured that each post could be associated with specific categories and tags and handled responses for both success and error cases.Outcome:The endpoint successfully handles post creation, featuring robust data validation, image handling, and categorized content management, making for an efficient and secure content creation process.